September 28, 2024
Optional RITOS Color Scheme on Trek Countdown

🧡Thanks to Lambtor's suggestion on my Discord server, a RITOS Color Scheme has been added to the Trek Countdown site. This color scheme can be toggled via the keyboard shortcut: C. You can also tap the "Computer Voice" button under the header title for toggling.

RITOS Color Scheme - keyboard shortcut C

Available keyboard shortcuts are:

  • F • Fullscreen mode
  • M • Mute/Unmute Audio
  • G • soft Glow filter
  • S • Soong mode
  • B • Borg mode
  • C • Color scheme: Ritos
  • R • Reset/remove all effect filters

The effect modes can also be set via the URL parameters, like so:

That's all for now, have a good one.
PS: my Discord server is open to everybody. Link here:

September 24, 2024
Trek Countdown: Lower Decks Season 5 Premiere

T minus 30 DAYS to October 24th...
...the premiere of the final season of Star Trek: Lower Decks!😀 Trek Countdown site has already been set to counting down to this event. I'm gonna miss this show so much😢

While the clock is ticking down, I updated the site a little: Added a subtle soft Glow Effect filter, off by default, and disabled on Safari due to a browser bug. The toggle button is located near top right of the screen. See image below.

Typically I use this filter in the video editing software when I make my videos for YouTube. So happy to figure out that this could be achieved on a live site using SVG filters, although it's slightly resource-intensive. The filter code is posted on my Patreon page.

active Soft Glow Effect Filter (toggle button located near top right)
“swimming” Nacelle-Sucking Creature

A “swimming” Nacelle-Sucking Creature (N.S.C.) has also been added in this update. Originally I created this creature SVG animation for the Titan.DS project. Here, I fine-tuned it a little and made it swimming across the screen, and sometimes behind the UI too😉 If you click on it, it will try and skirt away fast. Currently, N.S.C. is set to swimming around by default. This can be toggled off by tapping the new N.S.C. button near lower left of the screen.

Happy Waiting ~ Cerritos STRONG!

September 17, 2024
Starfield 47 Webapp Refined + 8hr Long YT Video

Over the past month or so, I've been refining STARFIELD 47. Initially, it was going be a small maintenance update, with the goal of creating a long-form video for YouTube that can be run on TV or perhaps used as a type of ASMR video.

Starfield 47 was the first site I wrote after reviving my LCARS project. As I delved deeper in my own not-so-pretty old code, I spotted numerous strange bugs (and some hilarious ones too!). So I spent a chunk of time refactoring the code to make the bug-fixing process easier.

While addressing these bugs, I couldn't help but make small, incremental updates. In particular, I spent some time refining the algorithm used in the Auto Nav functionality, because I enjoy seeing various different effects all running on their own in a random, semi-controlled, not chaotic way.XX

some of the new clickable spots

I also added the motion blur effect and several predefined grid layouts for the mini-LCARS. Hope you'll enjoy these new additions. Here is a summary of the updates:

entire list of keyboard shortcuts

Now that this update is done, I will head back to Titan.DS to work on a new module. I will post some DevLogs on my Patreon page later. Have a good one🖖

July 31, 2024
Protostar.NX :: Demo/Walkthrough Video

Sorry for the delay. Took me a while to make this demo video😬 It's finally done.
YouTube link:

Go Fast > Protostar.NX interactive site at !!! 🖖
Built with 🧡

July 9, 2024
Protostar.NX :: New Project

Protostar.NX is now active at

Protostar Plan View Module

This blueish LCARS stands unique in its slight difference from the traditional Trek interface. It is based on the fictional UI seen on the starship U.S.S. Protostar in Star Trek: Prodigy.

I learned a few tricks while making this project -- mostly related to the animated charts. It's all fun and challenging trying to find browser-efficient methods of animating those chart lines. I will try applying them to my Titan.DS project. Oh, I've also changed a few elements from the original design to make this interactive site slightly more user-friendly for the 21st century😉

Sector Scan Module
Ship MSD Module
Ship MSD Module

UI referenced directly from the show (now on Netflix), and from the demo reels by the awesome folks at Territory Studio! Also thanks, MikeJF. on twitter, for your detailed analysis of Protostar's MSD!

Currently there are three modules on Protostar.NX - Ship Plan View, Ship MSD, and Sector Scan. And I do have an idea for another one. I will start working on it when I get some down time and motivation🙂

Go Fast > Protostar.NX !!!

May 28, 2024
Titan.DS new module: NCC-1031 • USS Discovery

As the TV series "ST: Discovery" coming to a close, here I present you my latest module addition, NCC-1031, to the Titan.DS website. The toggle for this new module can be found on the right side of the main display, sitting below the NCC-1701-G module button.

horizontal view option
vertical view option

By default, the Spore Drive gets activated every 47 seconds. You can disable this loop by toggling off the "INTRO.LOOP" button. The random color change that accompanies each loop can also be disabled by toggling off the "RND.COLOR" button.

Clickable ship areas:

March 5, 2024
Titan.DS new module: APOD Stardate

Titan.DS's latest update features the integration of my new project, APOD STARDATE. APOD can now be accessed & viewed directly within Titan.DS as a module. This module toggle is located near the lower right section of the main display, adjacent to the Spacedock module button.

I've tried to create a distinctive mini "intro" animation sequence for each of Titan.DS's modules, including this one. I took inspiration from the Holodeck LCARS panel animation in ST: Picard, Season 3's end credits for this particular module.

*Replicating the camera angle precisely is difficult...

The text for this "intro/loading" sequence showcases location & coordinate details from a selection of 20 observatories. Several of these locations are well-known to Star Trek fans, such as the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, which was prominently featured in the "Future's End" episode of Star Trek: Voyager. Others include: Paranal Observatory, Arecibo Observatory, VLA, SKA, Perth Observatory, Amargosa Obs, etc.

I've changed the UI color scheme of APOD STARDATE from cyan to gray when viewed on Titan.DS, and made some minor adjustments for a more integrated look. Since it's viewed as module, Titan.DS's grid overlay is applied to APOD STARDATE. It's a nice additional effect. Can be toggled of with an on/off button. Oh, the tiny buttons situated below the audio progress bar can be clicked. Each button is assigned to a specific "pretty" APOD entry.

By the way, APOD STARDATE's keyboard shortcuts are fully functional right inside Titan.DS. For a list of these shortcut & functionality of the standalone APOD STARDATE webapp, please refer to my previous log post or look up APOD STARDATE's User Manual (png image).


February 29, 2024

APOD STARDATE is my interpretation of a webapp featuring minimal Star Trek LCARS UI, displaying astronomical image/text content from the NASA APOD website (Astronomy Picture of the Day). It includes voice narration, audio visualizer, and sound effects. The UI is interactive and responsive for various screen resolutions. Given the stunning visuals of many APOD images, this webapp is optimally developed for a desktop experience.

APOD STARDATE offers several visual effects to enhance the LCARS display. Most of these features are deactivated by default. A set of keyboard shortcuts are included for faster interaction with the content & UI interface. Additionally, some URL parameters are available for customizing the initial startup configuration. See this User Manual ⬇️ below for further details.

interface infographic / user manual
  • [space bar] pause/play audio narration
  • [N] request next random APOD entry
  • [P] load up previously displayed APOD entry
  • [L] change size of the small LCARS window
  • [H] hide the small LCARS window
  • [W] swap content between small window & main
  • [F] fullscreen mode
  • [M] master mute switch
  • [K] nav-bracket display effect
  • [S] change APOD image resizing style
  • [V] toggle all visual effects at once
  • [J] [J] toggle JWST Mode
  • [0] [0] [0] ... [0] [2] [4]
    request predefined APOD entry

If you're in the mood for a "busier" LCARS look and feel, I've also integrated APOD STARDATE as a module into my other project, Titan.DS. I will write a log entry about it shortly.

* Images & text content used on APOD STARDATE are obtained via NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) API. The content is the property of NASA and is used with permission. Entries with videos or copyrighted images have been excluded from this webapp.

* The dot-matrix 3d animation in this webapp was inspired by Data's positronic brain animation from Star Trek: Picard Season 3's end-credits sequence. This web animation effect was created using the Three.js 3D library and is based on a buffergeometry drawrange example developed by Fernando Serrano.

I've been spending small chunks of my time here and there to developing this project, experimenting with visual effects and testing code since August 2023. I am excited to share it with you now! I hope you will find it both enjoyable and educational in your exploration of astronomy. And if you'd like to support the projects I create, 👉 please click here for more info 🖖

February 28, 2024
Star Trek: The Cruise 2024

Ahh... it's that time of the year again with all the Star Trek: The Cruise 2024 photos popping up on social medias. Very envious, still ... 🤪 Oh well, here's a slightly updated version of the MSD LCARS I created last year for the Mariner of the Seas. I hope the ship's config didn't change much.🖖

And Yes, there is duck somewhere in this MSD.
⚠️ DISCLAIMER: I'm definitely not sponsored by Star Trek: The Cruise. For folks who are currently on the ship, please don't visit that deck sector to hunt for the duck. Thanks~

February 6, 2024
Lab: Project E.D.E.

Project E.D.E. • animated website -- A recreation of a static LCARS display of the ENTERPRISE-D from ST:TNG episode “Emergence” S7x23. Originally designed beautifully by Mike Okuda. Rick Sternbach might also contributed it, as mentioned in one of Mike's tweets.

This specific design by Mike is a work of art that I find particularly appealing. I intentionally chose to keep its simplicity and made only a few modifications, adding minimal animations and basic interactivity. This project will remain as a standalone webpage with no plans for major updates. The aspect ratio of this display will resize to some degree depending on your browser size.

Oh by the way, E.D.E. stands for Enterprise-D Emergence😉 Cheers~

User Manual on the UI functions

High resolution screenshots & videos of E.D.E. LCARS can be downloaded from:
LCARS Images (Google Photos Album)
LCARS Images (Flickr)
LCARS Animations (Google Photos Album)
* Free for personal use. Do not repurpose it and then claim ownership.

January 23-25, 2024
devLog: Project E.D.E. / Creating LCARS in Figma

Project EDE :: a work in progress.
Been wanting to recreate this Enterprise-D LCARS for a while. Original graphic by Mike Okuda (& possibly Rick Sternbach* too?), seen in the ST:TNG episode "Emergence" - S7x23. This design is like an artwork, so I am making it a standalone simple webpage with minimal animations & interactivity.

I twitted about* this LCARS image in Feb 2023. 💙Thanks to Portal Realm & Joe Ralat for sharing the reference images.

⬇️ Here is a quick demo of me using Figma app to create a simple LCARS (Okudagram) box. Adobe Illustrator & Inkscape are even more capable. Though for my use case, I find Figma's free starter plan to be quite... efficient.

December 19, 2023
Titan.DS December Holiday Musical Update

This Titan.DS holiday update idea came at the last minute. Initially, I was attempting to fix the existing sound effect on the ten 3D DNA pairs so that they would match a musical note scale. Previously, I had the audio pitch (PlaybackRate) change on a linear scale via Javascript. After some R&D, I adjusted it to a logarithmic scale. And that worked! Then, one thing led another, and I added a holiday musical section to the DNA module! I might have learned more about musical notation during this update than I'll ever need😂 Oh, one of the music clips is my very poor imitation of Data's Life Forms song😬

I've also copied over the snowflakes effect from Project RITOS. Though here I've set the effect to be inactive by default. This snowflake efx option is only available in December. It will be completely turned off after January 3rd.

By the way, turning on the Borg Scan mode would make this DNA screen even more festive! Happy Holidays~🖖

December 14, 2023
Project RITOS: Snowflakes + New JWST Images

A holiday update to Project RITOS:

December 11, 2023
Wallpaper Engine: Doctor Who Clock wallpaper

Hmm...I'm a bit new to the Wallpaper Engine thing on Steam😬 Here is my first attempt at porting a web project for it. Hope this wallpaper turns out alright. Feedback is definitely welcome🧡 In the Workshop of the Wallpaper Engine, search for "Doctor Who Gallifreyan Clock".

On MacOS or not using Wallpaper Engine?
➡️ For Windows, I recommend the open-source app "Lively Wallpaper" by rocksdanister. You can set any website as your desktop wallpaper.

➡️ On MacOS, try "Plash" free app from the AppStore.

One-hour-loop video of this clock is also available on my YouTube channel.

November 29, 2023
Doctor Who Clock Keyboard Shortcuts Added

Happy DW 60th Anniversary! That first episode was fun & warm🧡

This Doctor Who Gallifreyan Clock update is a minor one -- All UI functions can now be controlled via keyboard shortcuts:

F fullscreen mode toggle
R reset all clock rings
E eject Tardis

+ - 0 scale up/down/reset
[ ] \ rotate/reset rings
T time markers highlighting
X hide/show text clock
Z change text clock format

B change background
C change ring color
H display help
The shortcuts can also be seen by clicking on the question mark icon in the lower right corner of the screen. Allons-y!

November 21, 2023
Titan.DS Additional Infographic + 1hr Spacedock Video

I didn't get a chance to create an infographic when the Spacedock module was released, so here I've made two back-to-back infographics for the latest two modules on the Titan.DS interactive website -- Enterprise-G & Spacedock modules.

Enterprise-G Module UI Infographic
Spacedock Module UI Infographic

Also recorded a one-hour 4K video of the Spacedock module -- great for playback on an older machine or on a TV via Chromecast, Fire Stick, or other similar devices.

Other long-duration videos are available on my YouTube channel. If you enjoyed these videos, be sure to Like/Share/Subscribe🧡 Thanks!

November 13, 2023
Titan.DS Enterprise-G YouTube Videos

Uploaded two Enterprise-G related videos to my YouTube channel.

1 :: A User Manual / Demo Video: This one covers all the interactive elements in the new Enterprise-G module. It also reveals several easter eggs I buried🙂 The video resolution goes up to 4K.

2 :: A Long Duration Video: This one-hour video of the Enterprise-G module was recorded in 4K -- could be fun to play it on a tablet, or on a TV via Chromecast, Fire Stick, or other similar devices.

If you enjoyed these videos, be sure to Like/Share/Subscribe🧡

October 31, 2023
Titan.DS Update: Enterprise-G

The new Enterprise-G module is ready just in time for Halloween🎃. As usual, you can activate this module using a button located on the right-side panel of the main display. Look for the NCC-1701-G button on the Titan.DS website. Please keep in mind that this is a fairly resource-intensive module, so it might affect browser performance on slower/older machines😬

Drawing inspiration from the rich source materials of ST: Picard, I've remixed & incorporated various UI elements from season 3 into this module. A big shout-out to Jeremy M for sharing some set photos he took; they've been a big help for referencing🧡 Additional reference photos publicly & generously tweeted by Dave Blass and Bill Krause were utilized. Bill Krause is the designer of the Constitution III Titan!

⚠️ Designed with a focus on 4k displays, this particular module may display smaller elements & text as slightly fuzzy or blurry on an HD (1080p) display😬

I will create a demo/tutorial video for this module in a few days & share it on my YouTube channel. At the mean time, feel free to click around in this module & explore! Oh, since it's a Halloween🎃 update, I've added a pumpkin color scheme that can be toggled right within this module. And there is duck somewhere on the deck. Plus three more non-trek objects. Happy hunting 🙂 & exploring~

🔶Additional short videos & high-resolution screenshots are available in my online albums:
LCARS Images (Google Photos Album)
LCARS Images (Flickr)
LCARS Animations (Google Photos Album)

By the way, the creation of this new module was decided through a vote 2.5 months ago by my Patreon supporters. The other two choices were "Enterprise NX-01" & "Enterprise-E MSD."

Enterprise-G Module
MSD: zooms into the nacelle
enlarged Mini Memory Game
module style in red alert
pumpkin color scheme
October 12, 2023
Project RITOS: New JWST Images + Nacelle Sucking Creature

A small update to Project RITOS:

September 19, 2023
SPACEDOCK Module Added to Titan.DS

This Spacedock (Sol Station 398392/ aka Probert Station) is based on a short LCARS video clip tweeted by ST: Picard's FUI (Fictional UI) designer Andrew Jarvis. That clip could be briefly spotted in season 3. I made a few changes & added several interactive animations so that it could be integrated with the Titan.DS website smoothly.

A kind warning: I used a combination of SVG animation and CSS 3D transform to create the overall effect. It could be a bit heavy when running on a underpowered machine, resulting sluggish performance. And somehow Firefox crashes frequently when displaying this module, at least on my machine 🤷 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ **I will make a long recording of this module and share it on my YouTube channel soon, so that everyone could enjoy this Spacedock animation without needing a fast computer.

🔶Additional short videos & high-resolution screenshots are available in my online albums:
LCARS Images (Google Photos Album)
LCARS Images (Flickr)
LCARS Animations (Google Photos Album)

Anyhoo, besides being an interactive module, I've also repurposed those spinning mini LCARS to list out names of my project supporters on the Patreon & Ko-Fi platforms, as my special way of making shoutouts😉
🧡 YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT IS MOST APPRECIATED! The names are arranged randomly on each refresh. Remember to use the "Via Patreon" & "Via Ko-Fi" buttons to switch on/off the platform category.

What's next on Titan.DS? It will be an Enterprise-G sideview display -- voted recently by my Patreon members😃 Cheers~

August 23, 23023
Spotted System 47 on the Lower Decks!

Holy Koala...

...Spotted this while rewatching Star Trek: Lower Decks season 2's Dragon Ship episode [S2 Ep #7 Where Pleasant Fountains Lie]. A familiar screenshot of System 47 screensaver was shown on the shuttlecraft's display towards the end of the episode (~22:57) 🤣 So surreal~

August 11, 2023
Trek Countdown: Lower Decks Season 4 Premiere

Updated the Trek Countdown site with countdown to Star Trek: Lower Decks, season 4 premiere. Go Ritos!

August 8, 2023
Titan.DS with embedded Starfield 47 = Stellar Cartography!

Been working on this update gradually over the past few months - schedule was rather chaotic. Though I'm really happy that this update is finally complete.

In essence, I integrated my Starfield 47 project into Titan.DS. And a new module was born. I've named it the STELLAR CARTOGRAPHY module!

You'll find the button for this module, labeled STLR-CRTO, positioned just above the DNA Module button, towards the lower right corner of the main display. Once activated, Titan.DS will attempt to load the Starfield 47 website within an iframe (a website within a website). Due to the difference in UI design, the original interface of Starfield 47 wouldn't fit well with Titan.DS. To resolve this, I created a new UI layer within Titan.DS that would communicate with the SF47 iframe. You can still interact with the 3D Space in this module, just like in Starfield 47. The keyboard shortcuts with Starfield 47 retain their functionality here as well. (Remember to click on the 3D Space before utilizing the shortcuts to ensure the module gains focus first.)

[above] Stellar Cartography module infographic
[below] User Manual / Video Demo on this module

Other enhancements include - -

I still have a few more ideas for Titan.DS. Can't wait to build the next module!😃 Cheers~

🔶Additional short videos & high-resolution screenshots are available in my online albums:
LCARS Images (Google Photos Album)
LCARS Images (Flickr)
LCARS Animations (Google Photos Album)

August 2, 2023
Where is the Cosmic KOALA in Project RITOS

🐨The Cosmic Koala has been hiding in Project RITOS since last year (2022). This video shows you how to find it 😉 🖖May the Cosmic Koala Smile Upon You~

July 24, 2023
Starfield 47 Website Updated with Big Stars🌟

It's been while since my last update on this project... There's this one feature that I wanted to add ever since I saw an example on Babylon.js Playground website. It's a 3D star generated by using Babylon.js's awesome particle system. I finally incorporated it in Starfield 47 with a few modifications & randomization.

So how to see the 3D big stars in STARFIELD 47? When the warp speed sits at zero, first turn on the Star Markers (STARS button) from the Control Panel (shortcut key T). Then click on any one of the star markers floating in the space to toggle the 3D star. Double-click on the 3D star or the text marker to change the camera's zoom level. Or hit the shortcut key Y to focus on a random big star. Oh, black holes are out there too😉

Other updates include:


July 21, 2023
Starfield 47 Desktop App - preview

Finally spent some time playing with Electron.js framework to turn Starfield 47 website into a desktop app. Once the desktop app is downloaded, it runs locally on your system without needing an internet connection. Multiple windows can be launched by using the Ctrl-or-Cmd + N keyboard shortcut. For Windows with multiple monitors, try Ctrl+Shift+F to activate the Super Fullscreen mode -- a single Starfield 47 screen would span & display across on all of your screens. Additional keyboard shortcuts can be found in the README file.

Preview version of the Starfield 47 Desktop App can be downloaded from this Google Drive shared folder. Mac & Windows versions are available. Please read the "README" text file, especially for Mac users because of Mac OS's built-in security measure could prompt the downloaded file being damaged.

June 17, 2023
Trek Countdown: Counting down to SNW episodes

Updated the Trek Countdown site with info on ST: Strange New Worlds's season 2 episodes. Also added an mini ship animation to the loading screen🙂

June 13, 2023
USS Enterprise (SNW) module added to Titan.DS

A new starship module has been added: the USS Enterprise, NCC-1701 -- the version from ST: Strange New Worlds (SNW). This wireframe graphic was recreated based on the images tweeted by Timothy Peel, SNW's motion graphic designer/supervisor.

Since it's a wireframe graphic, I thought it'd be fun to have a new 'revealing' animation sequence to go along with its line art style. I utilized SVG format's stroke-dasharray property to create the line drawing effect. This main revealing sequence would always start on the line drawing of the saucer section. It'd then proceed to either the nacelles, the pylons or the engineering hull section by chance. As usual, I tried to build in as much randomization as possible, so the overall effect would always be presented slightly different on each run. The bridge, the saucer section & the nacelles are all responsive to clicks.😉

Small improvements were made on other ships as well. Titan.DS now has a total of 3 starship modules (Enterprise, ENT-D & ENT-F). More will be added in the future. Cheers~

June 2, 2023
Titan.DS: 1-hour long YouTube video

I recorded an 1-hour long video of Titan.DS in 4K resolution running with full sound effects on, including the ambient engine noise. A glow effect was added in the post with a video editing software before I uploaded the video to YouTube.

Ideally this could be viewed on a big smart TV via a YouTube app or a Chromecast/Fire Stick/Roku. A less powerful computer or tablet could also easily play this video, as opposed to running the more CPU-demanding Titan.DS website (Titan Display System).

Let me know if there are other types of video you'd like to see🖖

Titan.DS: SFX with Ambient Engine Noise • 1-Hour Loop in 4K:

Same recording but Without Ambient Engine Noise

* my YouTube channel (please subscribe🧡):

May 22, 2023
Sound Effects/SFX added to Titan.DS

Been working on adding the sound effects (SFX) little by little to Titan.DS in the past few weeks. So glad it's finally complete. 😫Pardon me -- currently my brain is filled with constant beeping sounds. Hopefully that will go away soon!

On Titan.DS's main display, look for the AUDIO button in lower left to activate the sound. (next to the fullscreen button) On desktop, the sound can also be toggled by hitting the M key on your keyboard. The Engine Ambient Noise has also been added. However, it is set to off by default. Head to Titan.DS's ABOUT section to adjust the volume levels of the Engine Noise and the Sound Effect. Whenever the volume level is altered, the new level's value gets stored in your browser's cache. And it will persist when you visit the site again in the future. Have fun💙

May 5, 2023
Trek Countdown Infographic

Trek Countdown site's infographic.

April 26, 2023
Titan.DS Infographic

Made this infographic for Titan.DS – kind of like an instruction manual. Hope it's useful🙂

April 22, 2023
Enterprise-D graphics, mobile wallpaper & animations

Added Enterprise-D graphics (including some wallpapers) & some short animations to my publicly shared albums/channel.

LCARS Images (Google Photos Album)
LCARS Images (Flickr)
LCARS Animations (Google Photos Album)
Long duration LCARS Videos (my YouTube Channel)

April 22, 2023
Counting down to ST: Strange New Worlds - Season 2

Now that ST: Picard has concluded, I've updated the Trek Countdown site for counting down towards the season 2 premiere of ST: Strange New Worlds. Season 1 was awesome. So excited to see what's in store for us in season 2🧡

April 19, 2023
Battle Stations Red Alert GIF - downloadable

Finale is coming out -- for the cosmic koala's sake, avoid spoilers. "Battle Stations Red Alert" - downloadable GIF & mp4 video clip 🖖Free to use

By the way, if you're able to see this gif clip in full view on a big screen, right below the words "BATTLE STATIONS" you'll notice a phrase "Okudagram • Type Jarvis 42." Paying homage to Mike Okuda & Andrew Jarvis for giving us the LCARS 1.0 & 2.0😉

April 15-18, 2023
Titan.DS bugfixes & performance improvements

Made some bugfixes & performance improvements on Titan.DS, particularly for Firefox & Safari/iOS browsers. I applied blur effect on a few elements. And I have purposely suppressed this effect on Safari browser & any browsers running on iOS (all browsers on iOS actually use Safari as the engine). The blur filter effect is poorly supported on Safari and it affects the entire webapp's performance unfortunately🙁

April 16, 2023
Carpet Restored/Canceld GIF - downloadable

"Carpet Restored" & "Carpet Canceled" - downloadable GIFs & mp4 video clips
It was fun making the GIF back in early February. If you're able to view the GIF on a big screen in full view, you'll catch some of my silly text😁 Free to use🖖

April 12, 2023
Titan.DS updated with two new modules

A major update on this project. Project was renamed from TitanEPS to Titan.DS because more non-EPS elements have been (and will be) added. The DS stands for "Display System"😀
In this update, two modules were added: DNA & Enterprise-D. The DNA graphics were inspired by ST:Picard S3. And Ent-D's vector graphic was created based on images found in the ST:TNG Tech Manual. Look for the buttons on the side panel to activate these two new modules. Also, two display modes were added: a GrayScale mode & a Light mode (aka, the Flashlight mode 😂). Do be careful with the Light mode. Don't blind yourself😉 Below is the new URL for the Titan.DS project. Enjoy~🖖

Current project URL:
The initial version (simpler/cleaner) can still be viewed at:

March 30, 2023
TitanEPS starship graphic - downloadable

The TITAN EPS starship graphic used in my TitanEPS project was recreated based on screenshot from the ST:Picard's end credits. I have cleaned it up slightly, probably could use more work. Feel free to use it in your non-commercial projects. Please include attribution when repurposing/resharing🙂

Download link: SVG+PNG in a zip

*NOTE: TitanEPS was later renamed to Titan.DS with a new shorter URL.

March 17, 2023
Red Alert (red & green) GIF - downloadable

⚠ RED ALERT🔴 Cylon Agents aboard... wait, wrong TV show. Anyhoo, here's an animated Red Alert GIF in ST:Picard style. (right click to save the file)

March 6, 2023
TitanEPS test page expanded

Transitioned my TitanEPS test page into a more solid project. More LCARS elements & animations have been added, and it supports ultrawide display!! The additional "side content" can be viewed on a regular 16:9 display as well.
An Enterprise-F module & a Red Alert function are among the new additions.

*Special shout out to I created the Enterprise-F line-art graphic based on the 3D renders provided by Starbase400🙂

*NOTE: TitanEPS was later renamed to Titan.DS with a new shorter URL.

February 27, 2023
Star Trek Cruise

A bit jealous of seeing the tweets from folks currently on the Star Trek Cruise. So I checked out its website & the ship "Mariner of the Seas." thing led to another, here you go🤪

February 17, 2023
Star Trek Picard Season 3's TitanEPS recreated

Yesterday's season premiere was awesome! And that LCARS end-credits sequence was simply wonderful!! I quickly recreated the Titan EPS graphic and its animation on this test page: TitanEPS --
* The EPS boot-up sequence restarts every 47 seconds😉

*NOTE: TitanEPS was later renamed to Titan.DS with a new shorter URL.

January 31, 2023
16 days to Star Trek Picard Season 3!

Made some tweaks on the Trek Countdown website in the past few days: new Borgify mode, a "Soong" mode, added UFP emblem with subtle animation. plus some misc fixes.

January 17, 2023
Trek Countdown released

30 Days left to Star Trek: Picard's season 3 premiere!!!
Made a new "Trek Countdown" webpage in ST:Picard's new LCARS style (LCARS 2.0 ?) for easy tracking on the upcoming Trek episode.

👉Trek Countdown *on desktop: hit top-right box for fullscreen

January 9, 2023
Doctor Who Clock update

Tweaked my Doctor Who Gallifreyan Clock based on feedback. New hovering efx was added. The Gallifrey ring shatter effect happens automatically every minute on the minute, with overall shattering effect occurring every 10 minutes.
#webDev Made with 💙

* An one-hour loop 4K video is also available on my YouTube channel.

January 3, 2023
Project RITOS: new Sickbay module

Added a new Sickbay module to Project RITOS. This was a fun module to code -- making up all the pseudo medical data😁

December 17, 2022
Doctor Who Gallifreyan Clock

Something different from Star Trek, a Doctor Who Gallifreyan Clock. I am a Doctor Who fan too, and I've been wanting to make this project for a while. So happy that it's finally done😊 The design concept is from the circular Gallifreyan carved on the side of the Doctor's baby cot back in the episode "A Good Man Goes to War." It's a really beautiful carving. And the space images are from James Webb Space Telescope, courtesy of NASA.

November 15, 2022

Thanks to James Mitchell, Project RITOS can now be placed on a Raspberry Pi, then link to LED lights for Red Alert effect! Check out James's PiRITOS repo on GitHub for instructions.

November 14, 2022
Sound Effects added to Project RITOS

Project RITOS update: Sound Effects added, and the volume level can be adjusted in ABOUT > SETTINGS.

October 31, 2022
haPpiLy gOoGly👀... hapPY #Halloween🎃

Mini web project with Badgey & PeanutHamper from ST: Lower Decks -- With googly eyes, don't they seem happier and less evil now?😁 haPpiLy gOoGly

October 25, 2022
Project RITOS released

Whew... finally made this project stable enough before Star Trek: Lower Decks season 3 finale's release. What a wonderful season it has been🧡

This particular LCARS website is more Lower Decks centric. And big thanks to all those fun source materials from Mike McMahan's Team Lower Decks, I had a blast researching & coding Project RITOS😄 Hopefully I've made this technobabble UI intuitive enough for everyone. Enjoy ~

Read up more info in Project RITOS's About section.
*Project R.I.T.O.S. = Recreating Interactive Technobabble Operating System😉

September 17, 2022
System 47 Viewer for macOS

System 47 Viewer for macOS is out - version 2.5.01. It can run in a resizable window or in fullscreen mode.

July 17, 2022
Discord server

Thanks to LV's suggestion, I've setup a Discord server -- a place to chat about System47 & Starfield 47 and anything on Trek & LCARS!

System47 Discord Server

July 12, 2022

Added "Space Images Graph" to the mix for the mini-LCARS display in STARFIELD 47. These public-domain space images are available from NASA's website, including the newly released photos taken by the James Webb Space Telescope ✨ #GoWebb!

June 2, 2022
Updated STARFIELD 47 with more LCARS

Added an interactive mini-LCARS displays😀 The mini-LCARS can display several different types of graphs. Best to experience it on your desktop. STARFIELD 47

March 25, 2022
Introducing STARFIELD 47

A new webapp project I started making this year. It's like a bridge's viewscreen on Star Trek. It's also like a stellar cartography. It features: 3D + Warp Speed + LCARS. It's a website, and no additional installation is needed. For best experience, please view STARFIELD 47 on a not-too-old desktop machine with Chrome or other modern browsers. Hope you'll enjoy it :-) Tip: put it on fullscreen mode & wait for the AutoNav to kick in. STARFIELD 47

February 28, 2022
Updated System 47 Screen Saver for Windows is released! - version 2.5.1

This updated System 47 screensaver includes all the features from the Viewer program, plus the multi-monitor support. Currently for Windows OS only. Due to tech changes in the past 20+ years, this screensaver's "wrapper" binary is a bit different from the old version. See System 47 for more info.

November 20-25, 2021
System 47 long-form videos posted on my new YouTube channel

Created a YouTube Channel to host videos about my projects. Plan to include devLogs, long-form recordings and possibly some tutorials.

November 18, 2021
System 47 has finally been updated. A Viewer program for Windows - version 2.5.01

It's been a long time. Finally dug out my old code and made some changes to it. New features include: 16x9 Aspect Ratio support, Improved Framerate, Typeface Update, Clock Display, Configurable, Adjustable Volume, Detail Ship Schematics.
The Viewer program is only available for Windows at the moment. See System 47 site for additional info.

2007 ~ 2020
Time Traveling...

Not LCARSing ~ 🕑 🚀🥾

System 47 version 2.2

historical events...💾🦆

System 47 version 1.53

historical events...💾🦆 tricky to dig up old files...

Made with 💙  Supporting my LCARS projects

My Trek projects are always free & available from my website I sincerely hope that the LCARS design & my projects will bring you joy & inspirations🧡 You DO NOT need to become a member of my Patreon / Ko-Fi / YouTube communities in order to view my projects. However, if you'd like to show support for what I'm making, please consider the following.
Greatly appreciated! – meWho • Rob

For clarification: In the Trek community, I often get referred to as meWho or System47. I am a Trek/LCARS fan & a solo amateur web developer😬 I am not affiliated with "LCARS47", nor had I worked with the group.

You can find me on Twitter, Mastodon, FB, Threads, Bluesky, ArtStation or on my Discord server~ Cheers 🖖
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info @   1999-2024

Not endorsed, sponsored or affiliated with CBS Studios Inc. or the Star Trek franchise.
All STAR TREK trademarks & logos are owned by CBS Studios Inc.
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